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Volunteer Network

Responsive Volunteer Service Event React app
- Responsive MERN Stack project with firebase authentication and dashboard functionality for volunteer and admin.
- Volunteer can search, register in any event and view the events they already registered.
- Admin can view all the volunteer registered in any events and delete any volunteer if needed.
- Admin also can add new event from admin dashboard.
- Volunteer need to click on event image to register in specific event.
- Sign in is required to register in any event or to view volunteer dashboard.
- Logged in volunteer will see a button named "My Tasks", where they can view the events they registered
- volunteer can login through gmail or email and password if registered.
Admin authentication functionality is not added yet, so anyone can add event or delete volunteer from the admin dashboard.
Front-end Technology
- React JS
- Firebase Authentication (Google, Email/ Password)
- React Router, Private Router
- React Hook Form
- React Context API
- React Hook
- Firebase Hosting
- Bootstrap
- CSS3
- FontAwesome
- Faker Api
Back-end Technology
- Node JS
- Express JS
- Mongodb
- Heroku
- Cors
- Body parser
- Dotenv
- nodemon
Key Features Screenshots