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Creative Agency

Responsive IT Service Seller React app
Live preview Live API ServerFeature
- Responsive MERN Stack project with firebase authentication, admin authentication, persistent login and dashboard functionality for customer and admin
- Customer have ability to register in available services, check status of service(s) registered, and provide feedback
- Only admin can update the customer service status from pending to on going to done, add new service with image and add new admin.
- Customer need to click on service image card to register in specific service.
- Sign in is required to register in any service or to view Customer dashboard with services status.
- Logged in user will see a button named "Dashboard", where they can view the services they registered.
- If Admin is logged in, admin will see a button named "Admin".
Only admin user have ability to view admin dashboard.
Front-end Technology
- React JS
- Firebase Authentication (Google)
- React Router, Private Router
- React Hook Form
- React Context API
- React Hook
- Firebase Hosting
- Session Storage
- React Spinners
- React Spring
- React Alice Carousel
- Bootstrap
- CSS3
- FontAwesome
- Faker Api
Back-end Technology
- Node JS
- Express JS
- Express file upload
- Mongodb
- Heroku
- Cors
- Body parser
- Dotenv
- nodemon
Key Features Screenshots