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Bank of America | Data Science and Analytics (Software Engineer) | New York | September 2020 – Present
- Created Dashboard using Tableau to communicate complex ideas to executive committee.
- Developed and automated daily, weekly tradable fee prediction monitoring dashboard with up/ down mover.
- Developed locate request and response dashboard to track client request, request by channel, request by region, requested quantity, approved quantity, requested market value, approved market value.
- Applying cutting edge classification, regression, and clustering techniques, including deep learning, to handle high dimensional feature and outcome distributions.
- Building predictive models and liquidity intelligence tools based on numerous data sources.
- Wrote python script to check data quality, CRUD operation that helped speed up daily reporting.
- Performing ad‑hoc analysis and present results in a clear manner.
Healthfirst | Data Analytics Consultant with Tableau | New York | December 2019 – September 2020
- Developed aesthetically attractive visualization and following industry best practices to engage a large audience, and drive better business decision.
- Designed, developed, maintained, optimized, and automated the Appeals and Grievance tableau dashboard to identify the number of appeals and grievances case received and closed from both CCMS and Hyland.
- Developed, tuned and automated daily and weekly productivity metrics dashboard with guided features and performance quadrant metrics (high volume low quality, high volume high quality, low volume low quality, low volume high quality) for multiple teams’ employee to track each individual and team lead performance based on cases closure rate, number of cases closed, productivity weight, worked hour, and non‑ productivity time.
- Developed and optimized modern UI design responsive dashboard for mobile and tablet devices to speed providing executives and leadership with condensed and timely analytics on their devices.
CVS Health | Data Scientist | Irving, Texas | June 2018 – December 2019
- Worked with Anthem pharmacy benefit management claims data‑sets of varying degrees of size and complexity to identify and analyze the match mismatch scenarios for paid and reject claims and finding the root cause using Hadoop, Spark, HIVE, Machine learning and statistical modelling, and report analysis output using Tableau.
- Designed, developed, maintained, optimized, and deployed workflow tableau dashboard in tableau server, integrate the dashboard with web application via tableau JavaScript API and test in development and production environment and ensure tableau row level security.
- Developed smart triage tableau drill down dashboard for claims comparison and validation based on all the scenarios, Functionalities and reject codes
- Developed sophisticated tableau KPI dashboard and cost benefit analysis dashboard for claims execution, mismatch claims, reject and paid claims, mismatch by top features, functionality, top NDC, top drug type, copay comparison by state, city and pharmacy level.
- Automated and optimized all the daily, weekly, monthly reports including claim execution, mismatch, scenarios, reject codes, ESI claims versus
- Created CVS claims, mismatch by field, user activity and executive reports using tableau and saved more than 120 hours of work per week.
Creative Agency
- Responsive MERN Stack project with firebase authentication, admin authentication, persistent login and dashboard functionality for customer and admin
- Customer have ability to register in available services, check status of service(s) registered, and provide feedback
- Only admin can update the customer service status from pending to on going to done, add new service and new admin.
- Developed using react js, mongodb, firbase authentication, mongodb, react router, react hook form, bootstrap, node, express, heroku, session storage, and hosted in firebase.
Volunteer Network
- Responsive MERN Stack project with firebase authentication and dashboard functionality for volunteer and admin.
- Volunteer can search, register in any event and view the events they already registered.
- Admin can view all the volunteer registered in any events and delete any volunteer if needed, also admin can add new event.
- Developed using react js, mongodb, firbase authentication, react router, react hook form, bootstrap, node, express, heroku, and hosted in firebase.
Travel Guru
- Responsive React JS Project with firebase authentication (gmail, facebook, github, email/ password).
- Only logged in user can book place to travel and check the hotel information with google map view.
- Developed using react js, firbase authentication, react router, react hook form, bootstrap, and hosted in firebase.
Machine Learning in Heart Disease Prediction | January 2018 – May 2018
- Designed and developed shiny apps for analyzing and predicting coronary artery heart disease using statistical and machine learning algorithm.
System analysis and Design | September 2017 – December 2017
- Designed and developed a prototype to visualize the career path for better decision making.
Networking and Security | May 2017 – July 2017
- Built a fully undetectable payload to get complete and persistent access to any windows computer by bypassing antivirus.
Database Management | January 2017 – May 2017
- Designed and implemented a relational database to help the local community center in better serve the residents in my neighborhood.
Developed a Community Based Website | Group Project | August 2016 – December 2016
- Designed and developed a website using HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript/jQuery, and Bootstrap.
- Developed back-end database to automate college information.
Masters In Information System- The City College of New York, NY : Cumulative GPA: 3.77/4.00 : Graduation: Spring 2018
BSc in Chemical Engineering and Polymer Science- Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh : Cumulative GPA: 3.51/4.00 : Graduation: December 2008
Languages, Tools, Application
- R
- Shiny
- Python
- Pyspark
- Jupyter
- Bokeh
- Shell Script
- Oracle SQL Developer
- MS SQL Server
- Gretl
- Hadoop
- Amazon S3
- Regex Expression
- Excel
- Visio
- C++
- React JS
- JavaScript
- Node JS
- Mongodb
- Firebase authentication
- Bootstrap
- Material UI
Markup Languages
- CSS3
- Sass
- Markdown
Data Analytics
- Tableau
- Power BI
- QlickView
- Google Analytics
Machine Learning
- Artificial Neural Network, Bayesian Network/BBN Regression, Logistic Regression, Decisions Tree, Random Forest, XG-Boost, k-NN, SVM, SVDK Clustering, and PCA, MCA, MFC, and other data mining and ML algorithms
Networking and Security
- Server Administrator
- Configuration and Maintenance (Active Directory, DNS, DHCP, Mail, NAT)
- Router Configuration
- Troubleshoot IP Addressing
- Kali Linux
Other Tools and Technologies
- Version Control Systems
- Git
- GitHub
- Git
- Wordpress
- Jekyll
- IDE's
- Eclipse
- Intellij Idea
- Visual Studio Code
- Atom
- vim
- FireFTP
- WinSCP
- Firebug
- Member - National Society of Collegiate Scholars (NSCS) ---Spring 2013- Present
- Technical Support Representative - Shahjalal University of Science and Technology ---2007-08
- Learning new things and technologies
- Competitive Programming
- Reading
- Dean’s List - Shahjalal University of Science and Technology ---2006
- Academic Scholarship - Shahjalal University of Science and Technology ---2006